Thursday, March 18, 2010

Organic Cardboard Forms

These are more images of the previously mentioned organic forms made from rings of cardboard.
The above is the first attempt at gluing them together with hot glue to see what they can do...and I started forming this. They started on the ground until I realised hanging them would make it easier create them, and then they also looked rather interesting hanging.
The hot glue strands coming off them helped blend in the fishing line that held them up.
The inside of these forms were amazing and I was trying to figure out a way to show that. Difficult unless you're standing right under the piece and I didn't want to hang it high up on the ceiling as the outside looked equally compelling.
Below is one of my favourite forms out of the many I made.

The largest of the forms. This was just one continues form, as I was seeing how large I could make them without them looking ridiculous. I think I could've kept going, it was getting really interesting but the end of term and assessment was approaching. Maybe this year?


  1. rings of cardboard!!! must have taken you forever - i've got my art and design students working on an altered book project and they're struggling with little pages! love the scale and the shape - so organic.

  2. Just did quite take awhile, but rather soothing, being so repetitive. I just have to make sure I don't get stuck in a rut of repetitive sculpture or circles!
